- I will always hustle. I will hustle in and out of drills
- I will respect my coaches and parents and do as they ask. I understand that they come from a place of experience and want to help me become the best I can be.
- I will not use profanity, drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. I will always set a good example and represent Wolverine Football class.
- I will practice good sportsmanship before, during and after training. I will appreciate not all athletes are at the same level of experience, will help correct younger athletes if I see a wrong technique, and remain humble during my shining moments.
- I will never quit. No matter what, I will always give my best!
- I will work hard when no one is watching. My work ethic is based on the hard work I put in.
- I will never throw equipment in anger. Not only is this unsafe, but it is a selfish display of poor self-control and bad sportsmanship. It is not how a Wolverine shows frustration.
- I will always prioritize safety of myself and others around me. I will be properly equipped and aware of my surroundings
- I will treat training seriously as an opportunity to become the best player I can be. Training is my time to polish my tools to become and elite player.
- I will practice self-control, setting a positive example for others. I will not get down on myself when things are not going my way. I AM A WOLVERINE>
- I will respect the facilities. I will not damage equipment; I will clean up when we are done, and I will treat it as I would my home.
- I understand my grades in school and behavior at home may impact my training time. There is more to life than Football.
- I will learn from my mistakes. I will make mistakes, but I will use them as opportunities to learn.
- “Coach, I have read and understand the Player Contract Rules. I will do my best to follow these rules and always be a good teammate.”

Players Training
Players developing and expanding their skills
Kids Help Phone is always there for you. No matter what you want to talk about, we’re here to listen. No judgment, totally private, 24/7.
As long as people play sports, there will be concussions from time to time. But wearing the right protective gear and playing the right way can make a brain injury less likely.
Below is the Players Creed for Wolverine Football Club:
I will be GREAT
Be Coachable
Learn everything you can, be a sponge. If you do not understand something, ask. Gain all the knowledge you can.
Train Hard!
It is in practice where champions are made. Practice is preparation for competition. Give it all you got, all the time. Only by going hard will you be ready for the challenges that you will face when it really counts. Be the first one at field and the last to leave.
Be A Leader
You do not have to lead with your words, lead by example.
Do not Make Excuses
Learn to accept responsibility for your actions.
Develop a Positive Attitude
Believe and you will achieve.
Be Mentally Tough
Hang in there no matter what the situation. Don’t panic or sweat it. Believe that you can handle anything thrown your way.
Train Hard!
Always give 100 percent of what you have.
Train with Enthusiasm
Get excited, be fired up! Enjoy what you are doing. Train with passion. train every moment like the next game is your last.
Act Like a Winner
Train with class, even during the tough times. A champion plays their best regardless of the opponent or the situation.
- Structure/stature: The tracking of stature as a guide to developmental age allows planning to address the critical or sensitive periods of physical (endurance, strength, speed and flexibility) and skill development.
- Psychology: Ultimately, the planning, implementing, and refining of mental strategies for high level competition will have a large impact on athletic performances. Consequently, a mental training program is critical at all stages.
- Sustenance: Sustenance recognizes a broad range of components with the central theme of replenishing the body, including nutrition, hydration, rest, sleep, and regeneration, all of which need to be applied differently to training (life) plans depending on the stage of LTAD.
- Schooling (or Stress): When designing training programs for young athletes, the demands of school must be considered. This is not only limited to the demands placed by physical education classes but includes integrating school academic loads, duties, timing of exams and other stresses.
- Socio-cultural: Socialization through sport participation can involve broadening of perspective, including ethnicity awareness and national diversity. Coaches and parents must guard against group dynamics which create a culture of abuse and bullying. Ethics training are integrated into training & competition plans

When the requirements of an activity are too high for the ability of the athlete, he or she may become anxious or discouraged and may have trouble learning. On the other hand, when the requirements are too low, the athlete may quickly show lack of interest. The “DEGREE OF
DIFFICULTY” associated with the task must therefore match the skill level of the athlete. The athlete must feel that he or she can succeed but that the activity represents a challenge. In other words, the athlete will be motivated to learn when challenged at the appropriate level, which implies that there must be a reasonable chance of success or failure when he or she performs a task. As a rule, if athletes succeed about 2 times out of 3, the activity represents a suitable challenge.